Advanced Check-up Package - (Male age 30 - 40)

Expire Date 31/12/2024
12,300 Baht

For more information, please contact

Advanced Check-up Package – (Male age 30 – 40) Price 12,300 THB

Basic Measurement : Vital Signs, Body Mass Index (BMI)

Physical Examination by Medical Physician

Blood Tests: Complete Blood Count

Sugar Profile: Fasting Blood Sugar

Sugar Profile: HbA1C

Lipid Profile: Cholesterol

Lipid Profile: HDL

Lipid Profile: LDL

Lipid Profile: Triglyceride

Kidney Function Test: BUN

Kidney Function Test: Creatinine

Kidney Function Test: eGFR

Uric Acid

Liver Function Test: SGPT

Liver Function Test: SGOT

Liver Function Test: Alkaline Phosphatase


Imaging Investigation: Chest X-Ray

Imaging Investigation: Ultrasound Whole Abdomen

Cardiovascular Investigation: Electrocardiogram (EKG)

Cardiovascular Investigation: Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)

Check-up Report Book

Food Coupon

Normal Price (THB) 24,620
Package Price (THB) 12,300
Service Duration 3 – 4 hrs.

Recommendation :

  1. Please refrain from consuming except plain water for at least 8 hours prior to check-up.
  2. For convenience, please make an appointment at least seven days in advance and bring all daily medications to check-up center.
  3. The hospital serves the rights to amend prices, terms and conditions without prior notice.
  4. This package is valid from 4 January 2024 – 31 December 2024.

Please contact us at Health Design Center, 5th Floor, R Building

Male Health Check-up Packages

Male Check up

Female Health Check-up Packages

Famale Check up

Full Health Check-up Packages 2024

For more information, please contact
Health Design Center
5 th Floor, R Building
Daily 07.00 am. – 03.00 pm.
