Making the world seem smaller in a time of need

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Making the world seem smaller in a time of need


According to the International Travel Health Guide 2019 online edition, the probabilities of acquiring certain diseases or having an accident while traveling, depend largely on where you travel and what you are doing while traveling. At the very least, a life-threatening illness, injury, or accident requiring a medevac can happen anywhere and at any time.

A highly qualified aviation doctor from Bangkok Hospital. Dr. Anyarit Sangcharaswichai, Flight physician who has over 10 years of experience dealing with scenarios where quite literally life or death decisions have to be made in seconds. He is a key person who has been developed Thailand Air Medical services.

We caught up with Dr. Anyarit, to search out how he ended up working in this field, what air evacuation is and why it’s important.

After years of looking for a new challenge, Dr. Anyarit joined the rescue team and air medical evacuation under time limitation, patient’s condition. “We are working with various restrictions while considering all possibilities. Every minute counts from the time we receive a case” He said.

How important and the most appropriate response to?

“Imagine the situation. You’re severely injured and alone in a remote region of a distant country where the only person that is your family, confidant and companion rolled into one is on the other end of the phone, millions of miles away. It’s at this time where you would be truly grateful that you were in the competent and caring hands bringing you home. However, it is important to note that information from patient and origin hospital is the most influential factor which will be affected to the whole operations. Also, a patient needs to understand a situation or condition which is very different. Similarly, serious conditions that cannot be adequately treated on location required a professional team, appropriate equipment and time” Dr. Anyarit said

By working in different locations around the region with challenging conditions, MJets Air Ambulance team has to be constantly active and well prepared to assist. Since no one knows what is going to happen. Each case is unique and every transfer a potential life or death situation.

When time is need, Make this world smaller

when orchestrating an evacuation, especially in an emergency, it’s all hands on deck to arrange the most appropriate approaches to provide necessary onboard medical assistance and speed of transfer to the hospital. MJets team and Co-hospital will consider the logistics. Team review the total transfer time for the patient, the closest airports, the distance of that journey, the road condition, the flight time itself and transfer from the aircraft to hospital on arrival. All these factors play a crucial part in MJets professional decision-making process. As a general rule of thumb, All air ambulance service with MJets are performed as bed-to-bed transfers where the patient is accompanied by an appropriate medical transfer team throughout.

“At the end of the day, we are grateful of making a difference in people’s lives and knowing that we have done everything to the best of our ability to get clients safely, soundly and ensure that they get the best care available to make a full recovery. MJets Captain

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