Handling Morning Sickness

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Handling Morning Sickness


Morning sickness occurs in expectant moms during the first trimester. It is caused by the increase in the amount of hormones as the the pregnancy progresses. Each expectant mother will have varying degrees of morning sickness. So, it is important to handle it properly for the health of mother and child throughout the pregnancy.

Symptoms of Morning Sickness

  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Indigestion
  • Tiredness
  • Fainting spells
  • Sour burbs
  • Tightness in the pit of your stomach
  • Sensitivity to various smells
  • moodiness

Morning Sickness and Weight Loss

Many expectant mothers suffer from severe morning sickness such that they cannot eat anything at all leading to weight loss. What follows is anxiety over the wellness of the baby. What pregnant women should do is to ensure they get more energy from glucose by drinking fruit juice or sweet drinks. Eat more often throughout the day.

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Severe Morning Sickness

Pregnant mothers who have severe morning sickness should get a lot of rest, avoid spicy food, and do not let your stomach become empty. Try having small meals or snacks throughout the day.

When to Seek Medical Attention

Expectant mothers who suffer from extreme form of morning sickness should seek medical attention immediately. Symptoms include inability to drink water, regurgitate all food intake, in ability to eat, fainting spells, extreme vomiting and fatigue.

Morning sickness is not harmful to the baby, but if it gets too severe, then you should visit your OB/GYN as soon as possible. Avoid triggers, such as smells will reduce nausea vomiting. Choose non-stimulatory food, drink water regularly, and get enough rest. These important actions can help reduce the severity of morning sickness.

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