In Search of a Child’s Potential – Talent Development to The Fullest

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In Search of a Child’s Potential – Talent Development to The Fullest


It would be very beneficial if parents could recognize the potentials hidden in their children’s brains and develop them into genuine talents. Each child would be able to discover his/her inner self and uncover his/her true gift, so that the child would be keen to acquire new knowledge for his/her future success. We would like to introduce the program to unlock your children’s genius for their development.

Unlocking Your Child’s Ingenuity: Learning toward success in children 6 – 15 years old.

1. Decoding the brain – Learning for success 

  • Duration – 1 hour
  • Assess the brain’s capabilities through “Progressive Matrices”

Program’s Highlight: The ability to distinguish normal and special-needs children. Because the program does not involve language capabilities, it can effectively determine if a child has any limitation in speech as well as hearing.

Accessing capabilities for “Perception Reasoning” through the following indicators:

  1.  The brain’s analytical abilities.
  2. Thoughts association.
  3. Imaginative and creativity abilities.
  4. Complex thinking.
  5. Problem – solving.

2. Unlocking 10 characteristics of exceptional ingenuity 

  • Duration – 2 hours
  • Assess the brain’s capabilities through “Wechsler Intelligence for Children” test.

Program’s Highlight: The ability to decode the parts of the child’s brain that deal with sight, hearing, and implementation. The detailed test assesses your child’s brain in the following 10 areas:

  1. Language comprehension.
  2. Linguistic analytical ability.
  3. Problem-solving through linguistic means.
  4. Analytical and operational capabilities.
  5. The ability to organize (categorize) thoughts. 
  6. Analytical, imaginative and creative abilities.
  7. Memorization ability.
  8. Ability to concentrate and to maintain concentration for an extended period.
  9. Hand-eye coordination.
  10. Processing speed, hand-eye coordination, and brain’s associative abilities.

In Search of Your Children’s Gifts: Encouraging, guiding, and enhancing their talents toward future success. 

The human brain is an impressive and powerful organ. When we are able to recognize its secret, we shall be able to develop our potential and talents for our long-term success. This program helps discover skills your child’s brain possesses, identifying gifts and talents he/she has – including the inner self which leads to his/her true abilities. This may be used as a guide for his/her secondary and university education. The program is as follows:

Assessing the brain’s potential, leaning proficiency, and career aptitude.

  • Duration – 2 to 3 hours
  • Utilizing internationally accepted Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

Program Highlight: The ability to decode the parts of the child’s brain that deal with sight, hearing, and implementation. The detailed test assesses your child’s brain in the following 12 areas:

  1. Language comprehension.
  2. Linguistic analytical ability.
  3. Problem-solving through linguistic means.
  4. Analytical and operational capabilities.
  5. The ability to organize (categorize) thoughts. 
  6. Analytical, imaginative and creative abilities.
  7. Memorization ability.
  8. Ability to concentrate and to maintain concentration for an extended period.
  9. Hand – eye coordination.
  10. Processing speed, hand-eye coordination, and brain’s associative abilities.
  11. Assessing personal traits and the ability to adapt.
  12. Assessing his/her aptitude for future suitable career.

How It Works

  1. Make an appointment with our advisor to take the test.
  2. Discuss test results with our advisor and prepare educational forward path.
  3. Meet with our medical expert to discuss the analyzed test results.
  4. In a case where some limitations of the brain may exist, an action plan can be arranged to help the child adapt and enhance his/her learning abilities to the full possible potential.

Discovering your child’s true abilities through internationally accepted tools will help you understand different parts of his/her brain learning capability, as well as your child’s aptitude, traits, and gift. You will be able to properly enhance and fulfill his/her potential, through informed guidance and encouragement toward his/her future success.

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