What's difference between ER & Trauma Center

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What's difference between ER & Trauma Center



What is The Emergency Room?

The emergency room, emergency department or ER, is where people go when they need emergency assistance. That seems general, but ERs can handle anything from sprained ankles to heart attacks and strokes. They have the facilities, doctors and expertise to handle almost everything that comes their way.


What is a Trauma Center?

Trauma centers are usually located within the ER. They aren’t often discussed singularly because they are part of the emergency room system. Trauma centers handle the extreme cases where there is an issue of immediate survival. Highly-specialized surgeons work with the most advanced equipment to increase the likelihood of survival in the patients that are sent there. The word “trauma” best describes what brings people to these centers as they are equipped to handle life-threatening and critical injuries.



Patient FAQ

Traumatic injuries and emergency surgery can be stressful to the patient and family. At Bangkok trauma center, we place our patients and their families first and aim to offer excellence in our trauma care and reduce the level of anxiety that often revolves around an injured loved one.


Q: Where can we stay?

  • In the event of an emergency Bangkok Trauma Center Tel. 1724
  • For more information please contact Tel. 1719 (Local calls) or +662 310 3000
  • Bangkok Hospital Coordinator for Traumatic Brain Injury
    Tel. +662 310 3000 ext. 795433
  • For more drug information please contact
    Clinical Pharmacy Department Tel. +662 755 1588


Q: What can I expect while in the hospital?

The trauma surgery team is a multidisciplinary team composed of trauma surgery staff, physician assistants and nurse practitioners. We work as an efficient unit to offer you the best possible care and work closely with our subspecialized care givers such as neurosurgery, orthopedics, and emergency department staff.


Q: How will my primary care physician know what happened to me?

Though typically not involved in trauma care of your family member, all primary care physicians are notified of your admission. We can keep in touch and send copies of your notes to your doctors upon request and at discharge.


Q: What can I expect after my hospital visit?

The rehabilitation of an injured patient starts on day one of their hospital stay. The ultimate goal of our team is to restore the patient to pre-injury status. During the stay, members of our physical therapy and occupational therapy team will evaluate the patient for goals of care and rehab. As a team, we will work closely with your appointed case manager in determining a safe and optimal location facility for your discharge.


Q: How can I obtain updates of my family member’s progress as a patient?​​​​​​​

To protect your loved one’s privacy, medical information is given out only to family members designated by the patient. If a family member cannot designate due to severity of illness, the Authorities by law will be given necessary medical information, however, if your loved one is able, he or she is in control of medical decision making. 

This includes deciding who visits and who receives medical information.  If your loved one has an Advanced Directive or Living Will, please bring a copy to the hospital.

Patient (or People) education


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