Thermage | Addresses The Visible Signs of Aging & Smoothing Out The Wrinkles

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Thermage | Addresses The Visible Signs of Aging & Smoothing Out The Wrinkles


Aging affects us all. Your skin also changes with age. As you get older, you may notice your skin is not as smooth or as tight as it once was. When collagen starts to decline with age, or with exposure to things like UV rays or cigarette smoke, our skin’s structural integrity is compromised. Thermage is a proven, unique radiofrequency treatment that can help improve the appearance of sagging or loose skin. It stimulates the body to heal by new collagen formation. The new collagen can ultimately serve to lift, tighten, and smooth the skin.


Benefits of collagen

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the body and it makes up a large part of our skin, hair and nails. It is what is responsible for giving skin their elasticity, hair its strength, and connective tissues its ability to hold everything in place. Collagen production declines with age beginning in the 30s and exposure to factors such as smoking and UV light. Therefore, collagen supplement play an important role as it can help increase the appearance of skin’s elasticity and reduce the signs of aging.


What damages collagen?

Some factors can deplete the levels of collagen within the body. Avoiding them could keep the skin healthy for a longer period of time.

  • The aging process – Skin aging is accompanied by changes in the dermal structure and a slow-down in the collagen synthesis potential of the dermal fibroblasts.
  • Sunlight – UV rays damage the collagen in the dermis, and the skin rebuilds incorrectly, forming wrinkles.
  • Pollution – Emissions of toxic gases, notably from traffic, damages collagen in the skin.
  • Stress – Cortisol is a stress hormone. It inhibits collagen formation.
  • Smoking – Nicotine compromises collagen production.



About Thermage

Thermage is a non-invasive radiofrequency therapy that can help improve the appearance of sagging or loose skin, giving you a smoother, sleeker and younger look and feel. It stimulates the body to produce new collagen. There is no risk of skin damage or scar formation.



  • Nasolabial folds
  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Around the eyes
  • Forehead
  • Cheeks
  • Area under the chin


Benefits of Thermage

  • Immediate results are visible after just one treatment. This also improves over a two to six month time.
  • Each treatment lasts 30-60 minutes.
  • The effect of thermage lasts for around 1-2 years based on the patient’s skin, lifestyle, and diet.
  • There is no skin damage or scar.
  • Minimal downtime – Most people return to their regular activities after the treatment.


Who should not have this procedure?

  • Pregnant women
  • Cancer patients
  • Patients who has had cardiac catheterization
  • Patients with metal implants


After treatment, your skin may be slightly red or slight swelling may be noted, but most people resume regular activities immediately after the treatment. These will disappear in 1-2 weeks. If you are interested in learning more about Thermage procedure, it is important that you consult an expert in a hospital that has performance standards in delivering quality and safe care.


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