Power of Woman. Women of all ages remain strong and get healthy.

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Power of Woman. Women of all ages remain strong and get healthy.


Women in different age groups e.g. teenager, adult and the elderly have different health-related conditions generally due to various daily lifestyles and activities as well as age-related degenerative changes. Taking great care of health is always essential for all age groups, especially in mother-to-be that highly needs comprehensive healthcare plans.


1. Premarital screening for healthy family plan

Premarital screening in women before getting married plays a significant role in family planning. Major causes of female infertility may include polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), chocolate cysts and pelvic inflammatory disease that affects ovary and fallopian tube. If these diseases are left untreated, they might lead to other serious complications including increased risks of being infertile. Not only to identify fertility problems,  premarital screening also enables women to assess general health status, detect infectious diseases and screen hereditary conditions that may affect the future offspring. Performed by expert obstetricians and gynecologists, a comprehensive group of tests include blood test, gynecologic examination and ultrasound. Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery  is an advanced surgical treatment of gynecologic diseases. Compared to conventional approach, it results in smaller incisions, less pain, fewer post-operative complications. With effective outcomes and faster recovery time, it substantially helps enhancing chances of being pregnant. 


2. Giving birth with confidence

During pregnancy period, a comprehensive antenatal care and screening of “high-risk pregnancy” with skilled obstetrician-gynecologist teams largely help to prevent and detect early potential health problems e.g. gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension and thalassemia, throughout the course of pregnancy. During antenatal care, to closely monitor baby’s growth and development, prenatal ultrasound ( or sonogram) will be used to scan baby at age of 16-20 weeks and 32-24 weeks. Antenatal care also allows obstetricians and gynecologists to promptly treat neonatal crisis and severe complications such as preeclampsia and preterm labor. If abnormalities are detected during or after pregnancy, effective and timely treatments could be provided accordingly. A total antenatal program promotes healthy care that benefits both mother and baby, resulting in a complete baby and infant development.


3. Prompt treatment of neonatal crisis

Neonatal crisis needs immediate and effective treatments in order to save lives of both mother and baby. Critical newborn problems include preterm or premature birth (the birth of a baby at fewer than 37 weeks’ gestational age), post-term birth (the birth of a baby after 42 weeks’ gestational age), low birth weight babies (less than 2,500 grams), high birth weight babies (more than 4,000 grams) , babies born with abnormal weight compared to gestational age, babies with abnormalities during labor and delivery and congenital defects at birth. These serious conditions urgently require intensive care from skilled neonatal physicians at well-equipped center, known as NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). Medical equipment and advanced technology in neonatal care include heart or cardiorespiratory monitor with high-frequency ventilator, neonatal incubator with embedded  temperature and humidity control systems and phototherapy for treatment of neonatal jaundice. If critical conditions of newborns are immediately treated, the chances of survival for infants significantly increase, allowing further growth and development to continue. 


Power of Woman, ผู้หญิงสตรอง

4. Focusing on child development

Child development is an important issue that parents must be well aware and pay attention to. Child development entails the sequence of physical, biological, psychological and emotional changes that occur in an individual child from birth to the end of adolescence. Due to different phases of child development need different healthcare plans, it is essential for all parents to pay particular attention to those changes and take care of their children properly. With appropriate support given by parents, children will have excellent development in intelligence, emotional adjustment, social integration, problem solving skills and creativity in accordance with their age range. During child development process with continuous physical growth, a child progresses from dependency on their parents to increasing independence, reaching the state of maturity. Therefore, understanding and assistance from parents are vital in order to enhance the ability of learning and adjusting to surrounding environment. 


5. Taking good care of hidden spot

Women with advanced age usually face some health-related conditions strongly linked to hormonal changes e.g. vagina turning dark, dry or loose vagina causing pain during sexual intercourse and urinary incontinence. These problems largely affect everyday life and activities, eventually resulting in poor quality of life. “Vaginal laser treatment” is an advanced technology in rejuvenation used to treat gynecologic problems associated with menopause/post menopause symptoms. During the procedure, vaginal probe is inserted to the vagina. It directs laser energy to stimulate vaginal collagen and elastin while tightening vaginal tissue and increasing hydration. Not only providing cosmetic advantages, the advancements in vaginal laser treatment can also greatly improve self-confidence in women’s daily life. “Ensuring good health and being confident with all activities.”

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